
This is a blog for our friends and family who are (and have been) praying us through this adoption process.  Thank you for stopping by and joining our family as we head to Uganda as a family of five and return as a family of six!

We also wanted to have a protected way to journal our process while in country.


We are on our way and we couldn’t be more excited!


Mommy, Daddy, Areyna, Zeke, Micaiah and baby

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Jennifer Huntington said:

    We are considering adopting from Uganda and would love to read about your experience. Could we please have the password? God bless you on this wonderful journey! gardencottagessl@yahoo.com

  2. Would like to see an update on you all.

  3. karlysavoy said:

    Could I please have the password?? Would love to keep up to date on your process! 🙂 karlysavoy at hotmail dot com

  4. cortneyhope said:

    I would love to be updated through your blog. I came across this blog from a link Tara Hall Burch put on her facebook to pray for you all. My husband, Jeffrey Broadwell, and I travelled to Uganda with Josh in December 2006. Please know that we are praying for you all.


  5. I came across your blog via Meredith Andrews. I have a heart for adoption and would love to pray for your family more specifically. If it’s ok, could I have the password? If not, I completely understand and will still be praying for you!

  6. My family is currently adopting in Uganda. We are waiting on our referal. I would love to get as much information as I can before we go. Would you send me your password. P.S. we are adpoting through Bethany Christian Services. They have recently added Uganda to the counties they work with.

    • Hey Shelli, this blog is no longer password protected:) You are free to read our whole story and let me know if you have any questions!

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